Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3eekom emBarak !!!

3eedkom embarak wo 3asakom mn el3aydeen w'salmeen :D

The first day of Eid was good, it was all about family gatherings <3>
I think that there's this cold virus flying above my head waiting for an attack but I'M FIGHTING back with food and warm drinks.. I hope the headache goes away soon..

1 comment:

Karamilah said...

same 2 u my dear, 3eedich mbarak w 3asach min il3aydeen wil fayzeen
just dont catch the cold

ne ways here are the instructions

you get to send it to only 5 PPL ONLY NOT ALL OF THE blogger that wanna do it!!

rule number two just write don't keep anything inside!!

rule number three HAVE FUN!!

TOPIC: pick a person ONE PERSON that we all know which is A BLOGGER THAT BLOGS!! IN BLOGGER OR WORDPRESS!! only one!! and decribe that person and tell her/him some stuff that you like about them and if there are anynegtive points then say them too!! and write the name!!